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How To Improve Your Gut Health With IV Therapy

Gut health is a crucial part of holistic bodily wellness and is essential to overall health. The state of your gut, and your body’s microbiome, can indicate a lot about the condition of your body because a healthy gut means a healthy you.

But what if you want to improve your gut health without totally changing your diet or taking tons of multivitamins and vegetables that may not agree with your gastrointestinal system? Good news – IV therapy offers a way to improve your gut health by bypassing the digestive system altogether.

This page will break down everything you need to know about IV therapy and how it might help you improve your gut health over time.

Gut Health And You

Your “gut’s” health is actually one of the most important parts of holistic bodily wellness. Remember that your gut isn't just your stomach – it's an overall term for your gastrointestinal tract as a whole. This includes organs and bodily systems like your esophagus, stomach, and intestines. Together, your gastrointestinal tract allows you to eat and digest food without experiencing discomfort.

Since all food is ultimately broken down in your gut, it’s important to take care of your gut whenever possible and make sure that it’s operating at peak efficiency. But a healthy gut doesn’t do all the work of digestion and excretion alone. In fact, your gut is always assisted by a collection of healthy bacteria called a positive microbiome.

The Importance Of Your Microbiome

What’s a microbiome? It’s a contained, miniaturized ecosystem of bacteria that do a few key things:

  • The helpful bacteria take up space in your gut and prevent negative bacteria from entering and causing cellular damage.

  • They sometimes provide digestive benefits. For instance, some types of bacteria can digest certain types of food that our stomach acid cannot.

  • Your gut affects your immune system, and the health of many other organs and body systems, like your heart health, brain health, and even the quality of your sleep cycles.

  • Your microbiome is partially responsible for what you crave to eat. This is a cyclical relationship. For instance, if you eat lots of fruits and vegetables, you’ll develop a microbiome of helpful bacteria that digest those foods quickly and easily, producing more helpful bacteria. This sends signals to your brain and helps you crave healthy foods. The reverse is also true if you eat a lot of junk food.

What Does It Mean to Have Poor Gut Health?

Since your gut health is so important, it’s also crucial to recognize signs of gut health issues.

Most people experience minor digestive troubles like bloating, constipation, vomiting, nausea, and abdominal pain. If these symptoms persist for more than a short period, it may be a sign that your microbiome and gut are experiencing problems.

If your microbiome doesn’t develop properly or your gut experiences long-term health issues, it could lead to serious symptoms like:

  • An inability to digest your food properly

  • Regular nausea and vomiting

  • Issues or food sensitivities with certain meals or food items

  • Problems sleeping, regulating your mood, or your energy levels since your microbiome affects all of those factors

  • Issues with controlling your cravings for certain foods

It’s always important to pay attention to your gut health so you can avoid these symptoms.

There are multiple ways to restore gut health and cultivate a healthy digestive system.

These involve eating healthy foods, getting plenty of sleep, and getting proper exercise. However, the nature of gastrointestinal issues can sometimes make eating healthy food or taking oral medication difficult.

That is when Intravenous (IV) therapy can be quite beneficial.

Intravenous (IV) Therapy

IV therapy is a type of therapy that uses IV treatments to provide medicine or nutrients to patients. It is a fast and reliable medical procedure that provides hydration, vitamins, and minerals directly into the bloodstream. The body absorbs fluids provided straight to the bloodstream faster than fluids swallowed and passed through your gastrointestinal system.

Lots of people are choosing IV therapy to help with all kinds of things, including whole-body detoxification, hangover therapy, and gut health.

How IV Therapy Can Help With Gut Health

Your gut can be damaged and this can cause several uncomfortable symptoms. Gut health can be compromised by things like:

  • Stress

  • Having a poor diet

  • Becoming injured in the gut

  • Accidentally ingesting too many toxic substances, like drinking too much alcohol

Our Gut Health IV treatment contains ingredients like glutamine, zinc, selenium, and glycine, each of which supports the health of your liver and digestive system, and relieves the symptoms of poor gut health.

Benefits of Gut Health IV Therapy

Why should you choose Gut Health IV therapy instead of other methods?

- No Risk of Improper Absorption

IV therapy doesn’t require you to rely on your gastrointestinal system at all. IV therapy uses an IV infusion station to provide nutrients and vitamins straight to your bloodstream. Not only does this help you absorb the good stuff quicker, but it prevents you from upsetting your stomach if it’s already feeling queasy.

This also prevents your gastrointestinal system from accidentally passing certain key vitamins and minerals as a result of the normal digestion process.

- Faster Absorption

IV therapy administers vitamins, minerals, and amino acids directly into your bloodstream, thus bypassing the digestive system. Your body doesn’t have to break down the nutrients, but instead, it distributes them immidiatelly to the places where they are most needed, for immediate bioavailability.

- Regular Treatments

You can set up regular IV therapy sessions to support your gut health frequently. This is a good thing if you don't have the time to focus on a healthier diet at the moment but still want to make sure your microbiome is as healthy as possible.

Gut Health treatments at Vit&Drip Center, Puerto Banus, Marbella

At Vit&Drip Health and Aesthetics Center we offer a variety of treatments that can help restore nutritional balance and support and improve your Gut Health. Our Medical Director, Dra. Halina Latasiewicz specializes in parenteral nutrition for over 20 years and has developed unique formulas to address various health concerns and help you support your body from the inside.

We offer quick and effective treatments for instant relief or Gut Health Support Program which combines several treatments and diagnostic testing over a period of time.

Contact us today if you have any questions about our treatments, or want to book your consultation appointment.

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